Lets Join the Navy Brigade! - Chiconomical

Lets Join the Navy Brigade!


I'm a big fan of everything navy. 'Sailor's is one of my favorite looks and I'm totally crazy about the white and blue with a bit of gold. Here's my nod to the sailor trend, which I admit is quite old, but then, some things are classic for a reason.

This tee is ancient! I've had it for about 10 years now and its still pretty great! The skirt has been featured before on the blog here and is as sailor as it can get in my opinion. I added the spiked copper necklace to balance out the gold in the skirt. I put my hair in a messy twisted braid to show that you don't have to be neat to be chic! Finally, the green bag adds a little pop of color!

White Tee: Rs.500, CottonWorld
Skater Skirt: Rs. 600, Topshop from Fashion Street (Also worn here)
Spiked Necklace: Rs. 500, Linking Road, Bandra (Also worn here)
Flat Shoes: Rs. 350, Hill Road, Bandra
Bag: Rs.400, Linking Road, Bandra

Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 2350, around ₤26

Do you like the nautical trend? How have you been wearing white and blue? Tell me about your sailor moments in the comments below (You know I love to hear from u!). You can all talk to me in a lot of other ways you can find here

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